Empty your mind, be formless,
shapeless, like water.

If you put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup.

You put it in a teapot,
it becomes the teapot.

Now, water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.

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Neverending Improv – is a cultural organization, a company of improvisational theater and creative experiences founded in 2018. It started its activity as the first international improvisational theater festival in Romania, and currently continues its activity by creating cultural experiences – shows, courses, educational programs, workshops, and teambuilding events for the corporate sector.

The mission of Neverending Improv is to contribute to the growth of the improvisational theater phenomenon in Romania, as well as to the mindset of lifelong learning by exposing both young people and adults to education through cultural projects.



We are born with the ability to play, and somehow, along the way, we stop doing this.
Here is how you can try improv:

Come and watch improv. Give yourself a good time to see how things are unfolding in front of you. Be curious, be present, and give a laugh or a cry. You don’t know. But we promise you that you will surprise yourself by thinking: “Oh! I‘ve been there!”, “I know what you are talking about!”, “Neah, that’s not me.”

Subscribe to the newsletter and we will keep you updated. Nope, we will not spam you because we don’t have time. Also, because we want to spend less time on screen and more time on stage :))

Improv classes are for those who want to see and experience the process behind the curtains. Yes, it’s unscripted theater, but it takes a lot of (self) work to be crazy able to jump on stage and surrender to the state of playfulness and the present moment.

The improv classes are for sharing and practicing a set of skills that you can apply both, on stage and off stage. #SkillsForALifetime.



1. to create or provide something at the time when it is needed without having already planned it
2. the creative act of surrender to the state of playfulness and the present moment.



1. a performance that an artist has not practiced or planned, and it’s creating it on the spot
2. the act of making or doing something without a previous plan, using whatever you find in the present moment.

Alone is hard. Together is better.


We translate the process of improv – off stage, on stage, off stage – and we apply it to day-to-day life. That involves work-life as well. Known also as Applied Improv – the use of improv theater techniques and principles outside the performative context, the experience will enhance a set of skills developed in improv:
– creativity & spontaneity
– collaboration & teamwork
– adaptability & playfulness
– decision making & problem solving


Laugh is the closest you can get to a person without touching them.
Esther Perel

Let’s say that the people & the brands that want this, believe in the power of humor and having fun.
We cannot force someone to have fun. No one has fun because they have to. It’s meaningful.
Instead, we have seen people (trying) reading because they had to, dancing because they had to, teaching because they had to, working because they had to, etc.
So, this is not for everyone, and we are fine with this. 🙂

*this is wild and fun & funny



• internal communication campaigns – video, visual, on-site intervention/activation
• recurrent communication (e.g. newsletter)
• internal podcast season
• engagement campaigns (online/offline)



• a beautiful way not only to deliver a message but also to implement it
• a tool with a focus on #LeadByDoing
• can be a one-time-only or a movement experience
• it’s a practice and in-person moment
• it brings humor, kindness, laugh, and closeness, all together. Who knows. 🙂


    Meemee will be back to you as soon as possible.

    What?! You don’t know Meemee?

    So, Meemee The Sheep is our MC, our consultant, our source of infinite inspiration and guide through the Neverending Improv journey.

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    Great news! We have opened registration for our long-form improv introductory class.
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